

The Reverend Nicolene A. Durham

Senior Pastor

"Who is my neighbor?"

Greetings in the matchless Name of the Risen Savior, Jesus the Christ!!!

I greet you on behalf of the Amanda Flipper African Methodist Episcopal Church!!! I am delighted that you have arrived at our website and have this oppotunity to become acquainted with the work and ministries of our church. This is the latest addition to the Media Ministry of Amanda Flipper which also includes audio recordings of worship events and activities, and our newsletter, Imani Tidings. Articles from the newsletter will be a regular feature, and future plans include downloading sermons and messages for audio replay.

Jesus gave us the command to love our neighbor as ourselves. When the lawyer asked Jesus in Luke 10:29 "And who is my neighbor", certainly he himself had no idea that at some point in the future, the Internet would offer such a wonderful tool that would cause us to expand even our own narrow definition of whom we call "neighbor". My "neighbor" could very well be hundreds or even thousands of miles away, yet we have the capability to communicate one with the other with very little difficulty.

More importantly, we have the opportunity to share in the Great Commission of Jesus by attempting to reach the masses and share the Good News of salvation and redemption. The Internet is the opportunity to "Go . . ." and deliver a life-changing and life-renewing message to a world in despair. Our mission is to contiually share messages of hope and faith -- to repeat the message of life so the "world" is reminded that where there is hopelessness, hope can be found; where there is sadness, joy can be attained; where there is chaos, one can find peace; where there is hatred, love can abound. Through all of our ministries, we attempt to impart a stronger awareness and understanding of the Christian life. We desire to share and to demonstrate that which was given to us from the Master Teacher and Preacher.

We invite you to visit our website often to review the events and activities and to read the newsletter articles and other information that may be of interest. Information is provided if you wish to contact us and if you would like to share with us during Sunday morning worship. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you.

Yours in Christian service,
Pastor Durham


Copyright, Amanda Flipper A.M.E. Church, 1999. All rights reserved.
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Rev. Rae D. Fitch,