
Imani Tidings

A Newsletter of the Amanda Flipper A.M.E. Church

The following are articles that have been published in the Church's Newsletter, Imani Tidings
("Faith Greetings"). Unless indicated otherwise, all articles are written by the Rev. Rae D. Fitch,
Assistant Pastor and Director of Christian Education. Click on the title to link to the article.

Money to Burn?
Who or What is a Saint?
Is Kwanzaa a Substitute
for Christmas?
MLK: "He stood for
peace and love all
over this land . . ."
A Unique and Glorious History: The African Methodist Episcopal Church


Copyright, Amanda Flipper A.M.E. Church, 1999. All rights reserved.
For questions about this website, contact site administrator,
Rev. Rae D. Fitch,